Sparky @8:23PM
Longitude: 26.26 minutes (26.4333)
Latitude: -150.36 minutes (-150.6)
SOG 3.9 knots
Course: 235
DTF: 548
Ruben woke up this morning and swears he had the best breakfast that he’s had in month! He had dried eggs and ham and some good instant coffee. Breakfast of champions!
The sun has been out for a couple of days which is brightening his spirits! Well, actually…that’s not all that’s brightening his spirits!
Today was the launch of phase two of his new jury rig. He topped his current rig by opening up the mangled, squished portion of the piece of mast he was using for phase one, and inserting the twisted, crooked, piece of what’s left of a spinnaker pole. He then ran a jib halyard up the pole.
The successful, phase two, is now 8 to 9 feet tall running twin headsails. While talking to him on the phone tonight, he hit the downside of a swell at 6.6 knots! His speed is ranging from 3.5 to 5.5 knots.
Tonight he’s ingeniously formulating the next phase of his creation which will get him closer to
Today he enjoyed the company of two 3 foot long shark looking fish who stayed on his bow. He named them George and Gracie. These friends will join the military ball named “Kermit” which he found on the first week of his trip.
He’s so excited about his journey now. Tomorrow he might follow the advice of our friends Karen and Bill and actually throw the hook out!
What a stud! If anyone can overcome this situation and finish strong, it's going to be Ruben. I'm grinning from ear-to-ear as I write this - I'm proud of his ingenuity and happy to hear about his progress. He's motivating me!! What an inspiration you are Ruben. Keep going!!! We're all rooting for you! R-u-b-e-n! R-u-b-e-n! R-u-b-e-n! -Mike Munn
Comments and well wishes for Ruben can be emailed to
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