Time: 0900
Lat/Long: 33 33 N 133 40 W
Distance to finish: 1533
Speed: 5.5 knots
Time: 2100
Lat/Long: 32 82 N 134 50 W
Distance to finish: 1470
Speed: 5.3 knots
Ruben's Report:
Ruben is doing great. He has really enjoyed hearing all the comments and well wishes left for him on He says that it lifts his spirits and is very encouraged to hear about all the people rooting for him.
Message from the Home Crew:
Keep those comments coming! You can submit your comments and well wishes by going to:
Please feel free to submit comments as often as you want! We will continue to make sure Ruben gets them while he is out there.
Fleet Report:
(Ankle Biter) Regarding winning...anybody that prepares their boat as thoroughly as you have to do, to do this race....anybody who gets on board and sails alone from
(Feral) It is a glorious day today and Tom said it makes you want to just stick around and savor the beauty, but he does need to get to
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